Here, your Youngs Insurance team in Georgetown and Erin offer up 5 smart ways that you can get discounts on your home and auto insurance.
Home & Auto Bundles
You probably already know that insuring multiple cars with the same company can save you money. But did you know that getting auto and home insurance together, with the same company, can save you even more?
The practice of taking out two types of insurance together with the same company is called “bundling”, and it can get your some great discounts. This type of discount isn’t exclusive to home and auto insurance, either. Depending on the company, adding in your RV, motorcycle or snowmobile insurance could potentially save you even more.
Loyalty Discounts
Many insurance companies offer discounts to long-term clients as a “thank you” for their loyalty. These discounts typically amount to saving of about 5%. It doesn’t sound like much, but it can really add up!
Responsible Driver Discounts
Did you take a driver training course? Do you have winter tires on your car? Are you a mature driver, or do you drive a hybrid vehicle?
Do you have a clean driving track record? Did you choose a car with lots of great safety features?
There are a variety of ways that you can demonstrate that you are a responsible driver, and if you can answer yes to any of the above questions, your responsible choices may translate into discounts on your auto insurance. Way to go!
Responsible Home-Owner Discounts
Just like with auto insurance, being a responsible home owner can result in some generous discounts on your home insurance.
If you’ve been claim-free for a number of years, are a mature homeowner, have an active security system or a monitored fire alarm, or have leak prevention and shut off systems in place to prevent water damage, you might be eligible for a discount on your homeowner’s insurance.
Group Discounts
Some insurance companies make deals with certain groups, and offer their members discounted insurance rates. If you are a member of an eligible group (for example, a union, an alumni group, or a professional association), you may be able to get a discount on your home or auto insurance.